
29 April 2018

Casa Chic – giugno 2011

ALCHEMICHE ILLUSIONI Barbara e Claudio instancabili viaggiatori, hanno trovato il loro porto nel cuore della campagna del parmense, ristrutturando una rossa dimora come fosse la tela […]
29 April 2018

CasAntica – novembre dicembre 2009

Profumo di Pane e di antico … è proprio qui, in una delle più antiche case del borgo medievale della Lunigiana che abitano Giovanni e Sara, […]
29 April 2018

Course on print fabrics and papers: stencils, blockprintings, metal sheets

  Timetable 10.00 / 15.00 with a brief stop to enjoy a quick snack in the atelier to be recovered at the end of the lesson. […]
22 April 2018

Course on wall decoration: material and peeling effects, natural oxidations.

Atelier Villa Cremisi in Sala Baganza (Parma) From 09.30 to 12.30 13.00 – 16.00 with a short stop to have a quick snack in the atelier […]
19 April 2018

A scent of antique Rose

A few days ago I started working on this Louis XV dresser. I started with  ‘Caput Mortum’. One of my favorite pigment. I added it to […]
17 April 2018

Workshop color moodboards and interior design 10-11/11 2018 e 26-27/01 2019

Saturday and Sunday 26-27 January 2019 Hours from 09.30 to 12.30 / 13.30 – 15.30 with a short stop for a snack in the atelier  Villa […]
14 April 2018

Edouard Manet, anarchist impressionist

  Always among the Impressionist painters, Edouard Manet is the one that fascinates me most. Perhaps because it has never conformed to the patterns set by […]
11 April 2018

Italian brocante. Piazzola sul Brenta.

Piazzola Sul Brenta, is one of the most spectacular brocante markets in all of Europe. The scenographic presentation for the presence in the background of Villa […]
9 April 2018

Course on furniture styles 28-09, 11-11/2018 – New!!!

Friday 28 September, Sunday 11 November 2018 From 09.30 – 13.30 / 2.00 – 4.00 pm with a short stop for a snack in the atelier […]
5 April 2018

Hansel, a wardrobe as friend…

Hansel… an austrian wardrobe from the early 1900s. A small wardrobe closet with an austere cimasa on its top and inside it a unique hanging wooden […]
29 March 2018

Brocantes in the south of France

In the heart of the Vaucluse region, in Provence, one of the oldest and most frequented international brocante antique events takes place: the destination is L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, […]
25 March 2018

Marché aux Puces and Brocante in Paris

The flea market of Saint-Ouen, in French Marché aux Puces de Saint-Ouen, is the largest flea market in Paris and there are really all sorts of […]
1 December 2017

Course on colors and their preparation

Course location: Atelier Villa Cremisi in Sala Baganza (Parma) This course is the basis of all the courses as it will allow you to know the […]
29 November 2017

Intensive basic course on the patinas of furniture and metal

La patina, in relazione al mobile, include una serie di processi di invecchiamento ricreati ad hoc per caratterizzare il mobile e esprimere il suo esistere nel tempo. In concreto, la patina di un mobile si traduce in un mutamento cromatico dei pigmenti naturali del legno, delle finiture, della pittura, della lacca o di qualsiasi altro materiale applicato al mobile (oro, argento, osso, avorio, tartaruga ecc.), all'abrasione delle superfici (come il logoramento di una modanatura o dell'oro); al "craquelure” che colpiscono sia il legno sia gli altri materiali di cui è costituito un mobile.The intensive week on the techniques of woodworking on furniture is a concentration of 5 days to learn the techniques of cleaning , coloring , pickling, aging and protective final drafting of the wood.
22 August 2017

Course of ornate drawing

Course location atelier Villa Cremisi of Sala Baganza (Parma) From 10.00 – 15.00 with a short stop to have a quick snack in the atelier to […]
21 August 2017

Course on faux marble, fake frames and grisaille decoration |

From 10.00 to 15.00 with a brief stop to enjoy a quick snack in the atelier to be recovered at the end of the lesson Location […]
30 April 2017

Intensive course of ornamental painting: the Grottesca and its styles

Date on request Intensive 5-day 5-hour course from 09.30 to 12.30 and from 1.30 to 3.30 pm for a total of 25 hours at Villa Cremisi […]
6 June 2015

Carte dei fiori – Mostra d’arte 13-20 settembre 2015 a Pavia

Carte dei fiori/opening mostra domenica 13 Sept /Orto Botanico di Pavia con gli architetti Luisa Vanzini e Annalisa Ferraris The artists: Hirohaki Ashara Maya, Gloria Brocchetta, […]
6 March 2014

Casa&Décor Aprile 2014

Servizio dedicato all’insegnamento dell’affresco su Casa&Décor Aprile 2014 Workshop dedicated to the fresco on Casa&Décor April 2014
30 December 2012

Ristrutturare con CasaChic gennaio-febbraio 2013

Nel centro storico di Parma ristrutturazione ed arredamento di un appartamento candido ed essenziale…..