my works
The color has always fascinated me.
I have gotten used to mentally photograph it, to fix the combinings, even the most inusual, not making distinction among classical or contemporary contexts.This attitude has always been accompanied by the admired observation of the Natural World. It enchants me so much that in my works it is difficult not to come across quotations of insects, fish, leaves or shells. I love to reproduce them in any context, be it an ornamental border, a decorated fabric or a small grotesque. I think it is a great privilege to be able to draw every day from a palette of shapes and colors so balanced and harmonious. Each of the 5 images below will open you a small world.
Decorated and assembled
Painted panels on table and on canvasDipinti e carte da parati
A scopo ornamentale o usati come complementi d'arredoFabrics and sartorial
Any object is unique and exclusive like a dress sewn onFurniture and patinas
A combination of elements applied in succession on the woodWalls and interiors
The character of a room is the result of the skilful combination of the type of material